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Tickets include dinner. Tables of 8 or 9 may be purchased or reserved.
To PURCHASE A TABLE (paying for all your guests) select one of the named tables for 8 or 9. Go to the next page and enter the names and contact information of guests you know. After purchasing the table, you will be sent a code you can provide to your remaining guests to have them enter their contact information. Your guests will need to provide credit card information upon check-in at the event.
To RESERVE A TABLE (paying for only your own seat(s)), purchase single tickets and go to the next page. Here you will asked to select a Reservation Name for your table. After purchasing the table, send the Reservation Name to your remaining guests to enter when they come to this site to purchase their seats. You will be all seated at the same table.
Please call Trudi at Little Star (996-2801) for any questions or if you would like to purchase a table for 10.